Monday, February 29, 2016

DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills)

DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills)

  • As the English Language Arts teacher at my elementary school, one of my tasks is to administer the DIBELS benchmark assessment to all K-2 students during three assessment periods throughout the school year (beginning year, mid-year, and end year). In addition to the K-2 DIBELS assessment, we also administer a DIBELS benchmark assessment to all 3-5 students to assess their oral reading fluency. 
  • Please share your knowledge and/or experiences with the DIBELS progress monitoring tool and assessments. 


  1. Unfortunately in Physical Education, I do not have have very much knowledge or dealing With DIBELS. We have to administer other test such as the Alabama Fitness Test and motor control tests.

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  4. I don't have any experience in using DIBELS. I teach as a head start teacher and we don't use this assessment. I believe it would be a great idea simply from the fact that the students would be tested throughout the year. It would definitely show how much the students have improved or if they have at all.

  5. I am currently teaching Pre-k, but I have taught Kindergarten for 3 years and first grade for 2 years so I know ALL about DIBELS! It can be a useful tool but it is defiantly not the "say all, be all" of a students education. It all depends on how the reading coach/school district/principal use the data. If they use it for the right reasons then it can be good. If they just use it as something to look at and compare schools and teacher that are apples and oranges different then it becomes a stupid competition that has nothing to do with how a student, school or teacher is really performing. Don't get me started on DIBELS next! Let's just say that I am soooooo happy to be in Pre-k now, where I do not have to deal with it anymore!

    1. There is definitely a huge difference in the rigor of the oral reading passages for DIBELS Next compared to DIBELS 6th Edition. This is due to the alignment to the Common Core State Standards and text complexity. I agree that it can be a useful tool and is not the "say all, be all" of a student's performance.

  6. I do not have any personal experience using DIBELS, but I am aware of the reading program. If any program is used regularly and efficiently, the program has a chance of being successful. My classroom uses Sonday System, and I have seen a difference in the way students read and spell. Although this system does not assist in reading comprehension and literacy, I do want to emphasize the importance of using a system regularly. If the students are given a program and the educators are trained, the system has a high probability of being successful.

    1. I am currently using the Sonday System with a group of struggling third grade readers. I have also seen a tremendous improvement in their reading and spelling!
